Administration: Voorthoek 7, 9190 Stekene -
Education: Oostjachtpark 3, 9100 Sint-Niklaas
Turn to ATASC's accredited auditors to roll out a robust management system in your company. Contact us for info or an appointment!
“Chaos is the enemy of any organization” Karen Martin

Our auditors are professionals and they are also active as lead auditors for recognised certification organisations.
We are happy to help you upgrade your care system in an independent and neutral way. We provide internal audits and evaluations as well as guidance in the start-up and maintenance of your managed care system.
If your company uses its own care system, we are happy to assist you in this. If you wish to develop a custom-made care system, you can also call on our practical advice and know-how.
Internal audits:
Tailor-made audits, according to your own internal care system or as part of an annual welfare survey and tour of the workplaces.
Health, Safety and Environment Checklist Contractors: VCA *, VCA **, VCA P, VCU, VCO
Safety and well-being: ISO 45001
Quality: ISO 9001
Environment: ISO 14001
Safety ladder: safety awareness and safety culture
See also our training courses in the context of internal audits and working with Care Management Systems::
VCA: for Safety, Health and Environment Checklist Contractors (SCC)
VCA includes a safety management system specifically aimed at working with third parties. This system gives shape to contractor safety management and is aimed at contractors who carry out high-risk activities.
VCA is a certification process in which a certification body carries out an audit in the company and at the work locations according to well-defined assessment criteria. Based on a questionnaire (checklist 2017/6.0) it is checked whether an organisation meets the requirements that are set out. Depending on the certification level, this questionnaire may contain more or less 'must' questions. VCA company certification has three levels:
1. VCA * (VCA one star): aimed at the direct control of VGM during the execution of work on the work floor, without the use of subcontractors.
2. VCA** (VCA two stars): aimed at the direct control of VGM during the execution of work on the work floor, as well as on the VGM structure (including VGM policy, VGM organisation and improvement management).
3. VCA P (VCA Petrochemistry): aimed at the direct control of VGM during the execution of work on the shop floor, at the VGM structure (including VGM policy, VGM organisation and improvement management), as well as specific additional requirements for the petrochemical industry.
VCA personal certification has two levels:
The personal certification or the obtaining of a registered VCA diploma offered by Atasc Academy after training and exam.
We distinguish between the VCA basic diploma that is aimed at operational employees and the VCA FULL diploma for operational managers. Both diplomas are valid for 10 years and can also be verified via the VCA Besacc certification database.
Go for ISO
An ISO certification and/or quality mark allows many organisations to demonstrate their reliability to their customers, suppliers, business partners and government. For many companies, the ISO certificate is an efficient tool with which to upgrade their image. Also in (international) tenders, an ISO certificate is indispensable for an organisation.
For a company to qualify for ISO certification, it must first go through a certification process. In general, this process is supervised by an advisor/consultant. ATASC Consulting works with skilled specialists who are themselves lead auditors at an officially recognised certification agency.In this way, we support companies in setting up and/or maintaining the coveted ISO certificate in various areas, such as:
ISO 9001
ISO standard 9001 is one of the world's best-known standards in the field of quality management. This standard focuses, among other things, on revenue growth, demonstrable quality, higher customer satisfaction, efficiency, cost savings and adaptability in a changing market.
ISO 14001
ISO standard 14001 focuses mainly on the social aspects of environmental legislation. Moreover, ISO 14001 is increasingly becoming a prerequisite for companies to do business with others. With this certification, companies demonstrate that they take their responsibility towards the environment seriously and that they comply with the environmental legislation applicable in their sector.
ISO 45001